Tagging your photos using #hashtags

Tagging your photos using #hashtags

 your profile is set to public, you can add tags to your photos that
will make them visible on public tag pages. To tag a photo:
  1. Snap a photo and choose a filter
  2.  On the screen you see after choosing a filter, type your #hashtag in the Caption field (example: #flower)
  3. If you want to tag a photo you've already uploaded, just include your #hashtag in a comment on your photo

 you tag your photo with a hashtag, you'll be able to tap on the hashtag
 to see a page that shows all photos users have uploaded with that
  • Private users' tagged photos will not appear on tag pages.
  •  Numbers are allowed in hashtags. However, special characters, such as $ or %, will not work.
  •  You can only tag your own photos, not other users' photos.
  •   The limit on the number of tags you can use on a photo is 30. If you include more than 30 tags on a single photo, your comment will fail to post.
  •   Older versions of iOS do not support tapping on hashtags. Instead, search
    hashtags by tapping the Profile tab > Search Instagram > Tags.

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